Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors

Recruitment website for FUKOKU,
a company on a continuous quest for technology
that will create a future full of dreams,
while respecting every employee’s individuality and expertise

Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors
Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors

Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors

Recruitment website for FUKOKU,
a company on a continuous quest for technology
that will create a future full of dreams,
while respecting every employee’s individuality and expertise

Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors
Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors

Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors

Recruitment website for FUKOKU,
a company on a continuous quest for technology
that will create a future full of dreams,
while respecting every employee’s individuality and expertise

Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors
Bounce a Future, with 100 People, 100 Colors


FUKOKU Co., Ltd. is a developer and manufacturer whose strengths lie in rubber materials.
The world’s largest manufacturer of automobile wiper blade rubbers, FUKOKU Co., Ltd. also leverages its outstanding development capabilities to extend its activities into a wide range of fields, including railways, industrial machinery, medicine, and optical devices.
With our systems for conducting the whole process from the development to commercialization of materials in-house, along with the global expansion of our business, we support our employees’ diverse career development.

FUKOKU in numbers

Number of permanent employees

Annual holidays

121 Days Long vacations 9 days long×3Times

Wiper blade rubber annual production

220million rubber blades market share Top global

Employee Interviews

We asked some current employees working in various positions at FUKOKU about why they decided to work forFUKOKU, what rewards they find in their work, the kinds of difficulties they have faced, and their future goals.
Everyone was once a new employee.
We hope you will learn something from the experiences of our current employees, who have also come through those early days as new employees, and the advice they can give.



See below for more detailed information, such as the kind of people FUKOKU is looking for, application guidelines, and employee welfare and benefits.


Recruit FUKOKU renewed recruit web site
Recruiting Information
Click here to Apply

Click here to Apply

New graduate recruitment registration is accepted through “Mynavi”.
For mid-career recruitment, use the form below to apply.

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