Company and Management FAQ

When was the Company founded?

A. The Company was founded in December 1953.

What is the nature of the Company’s business?

See the About Uspage for details.

What is in your Med-Term Management Plan?

Stocks and Shareholder Meetings

When was the Company first listed on a stock exchange?

A. The Company was first listed on an over-the-counter market in 1994 and was listed on the 2nd section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in March 2004. It was upgraded from the 2nd section to the 1st section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in March 2005. It was changed to Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 2022.

On what stock exchange market is the Company listed?

We are listed on Prime market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

What is your Securities Code?

Our Securities Code is 5185.

What is your minimum share trading unit?


What is the schedule for your general shareholders’ meeting?

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is held in June of each year.
Further information, such as date and location, is announced in the Convocation Notice of Annual Shareholders Meeting.
For more information, click here for the General Meeting of Shareholders page.

What is your dividend policy?

Click here for our dividend policy.

Financial Results and Financial Information

When does your fiscal year end?

March 31.

Where can I find the most recent financial results and financial information?

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